Reinventing HPC

ISC 2022 Call for Workshops


Are you interested in hosting a workshop at the ISC High Performance conference?
ISC is now accepting proposals for full- or half-day workshops. The goal of workshops is to provide attendees with a focused and in-depth platform for presentations, discussion, and interaction in a particular subject area.

ISC 2022 will host two types of workshops: (1) workshops that want to disseminate their own call for papers and implement a peer-review process. Accepted papers will be published in post-conference proceedings; and (2) workshops without a call for papers and without proceedings. Please note the different deadlines for the two workshop types.

Workshop organizers, speakers, and attendees will require a Workshop Pass.
Please click here to view our registration fees.
ISC will grant a 100 % discount on one free workshop pass to accepted half-day workshops and two free workshop passes to accepted full-day workshops.

Chair - Hartwig Anzt

 Workshops Chair Hartwig Anzt, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
 Workshops Deputy Chair Amanda Bienz, University of New Mexico, USA
 Proceedings Chair Piotr Luszczek, University of Tennessee Knoxville, USA
 Proceedings Deputy Chair Marc Baboulin, Université Paris-Saclay, France


Accepted Workshops
ISC 2022 Call for Workshops

PLEASE NOTE: The Call for Workshops is closed!

Submitted workshop proposals will be reviewed by the ISC 2022 Workshops Committee, which is headed by Hartwig Anzt, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, with
Amanda Bienz, University of New Mexico, USA as Deputy Chair.



Stage 1:

 Submission for Workshops WITH proceedings Deadline closed
 Submission for Workshops WITH proceedings Notification December 20, 2021 - extended
 Submission for Workshops WITHOUT proceedings Deadline closed
 Submission for Workshops WITHOUT proceedings Notification                                 February 24, 2022

Stage 2:

 Submission of Final List of Speakers Deadline ** April 21, 2022 11:59pm AoE
 Early-Bird Registration Deadline ***
April 26, 2022
 Workshop Day                                                                        
June 2, 2022
Half-day: 9 am - 1 pm
Full-day: 9 am - 6 pm

** Please note: Workshop organizers should set paper deadlines to the end of March to adhere to the List of Speakers deadline.
*** Please note: Workshop organizers should set Paper Acceptance Notification deadlines prior to the Early-Bird deadline. Workshop organizers and speakers will require a Workshop Pass.

Stage 3:

 Submission of Final Presentation Slides Deadline
May 10, 2022 11:59pm AoE             
Camera Ready Submission June 30, 2022




We are inviting workshop proposals on topics related to all aspects of research, development, and application of large-scale, high-performance experimental and commercial systems. Topics include HPC computer architecture and hardware, programming models, system software, performance analysis and modeling, compiler analysis and optimization techniques, sustainability of scientific software, applications, deep learning, artificial intelligence, solutions for heterogeneity, reliability and power efficiency of systems as well as how those areas relate to big data and cloud computing.



Submission (The Call for Workshops is closed)

  • We strongly encourage workshop organizers to submit their proposals as early as possible so that there is enough time to organize the workshop program before the conference.

    Submission Process

    • Proposal for workshops with their own call for papers: closed
    • Proposal for workshops without their own call for papers: closed
    • Upload as single PDF-file


    • Minimum 4 reviewers
    • Peer-review
    • Criteria: originality, significance, quality and clarity



  • By submitting a workshop proposal, you agree to organize and host the workshop at ISC 2022 in Hamburg, Germany
  • Workshop organizers and speakers need to register for an ISC 2022 Workshop Pass. ISC will grant a 100 % discount on one free workshop pass to accepted half-day workshops and two free workshop passes to accepted full-day workshops.
  • The workshop organizers themselves commit to inform their speakers that they have to register for ISC 2022 Workshops and will not automatically receive a free workshop pass.
  • ISC will provide meeting room facilities and basic technical equipment for the workshops. Workshop organizers/speakers will have to bring their own presentation laptops and adapters.
  • The workshop organizers will have to align their program with the workshop break schedule (morning sessions are from 9:00 am to 11:00 am and 11:30 am to 1:00 pm, afternoon sessions are from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm and 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm, with coffee breaks and lunch in between). Catering during coffee and lunch breaks will be provided to all registered workshop attendees.
  • ISC will promote the workshops as part of the regular conference publicity activities; however, it is recommended that workshop organizers use their own channels to further attract attendees to their events.
  • ISC will not be able to cover travel, accommodation, registration fees and other such costs.



The post-conference Workshop Proceedings will be published with Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).

We will organize the proceedings in a lightweight fashion. The workshop proceedings (minimum 6 pages, maximum 12 pages per workshop paper) will be published after the conference. For the camera-ready version, authors are automatically granted two extra pages to incorporate reviewer comments. Workshop organizers are also free to organize the publication of paper proceedings on their own.



ISC will make the presentation material available within the event platform for registered attendees only.

  • Michele Weiland, EPCC, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Chair)
  • Sarah Neuwirth, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany (Deputy Chair)
  • Nick Brown, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC), The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  • Norbert Eicker, Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany
  • Norihisa Fujita, University of Tsukuba, Japan
  • Heike Jagode, University of Tennessee Knoxville, United States of America
  • Sandra Mendez, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
  • Arnab Paul, BITS Pilani, Goa Campus, India
  • Ivy Peng, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
  • Eva Siegman, Stony Brook University, AHUG, United States of America
  • Julien Sindt, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC), United Kingdom
  • Miwako Tsuji, RIKEN, AHUG, Japan
  • Andy Turner, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC), United Kingdom
  • Lipeng Wan, Georgia State University, United States of America
  • Bing Xie, Microsoft, United States of America