Poster Submission

The ISC poster sessions are a great chance for researchers from around the globe to share their latest findings, progress, and breakthroughs with a larger group of people.

These are the benefits of attending:

  • Practice your communication skills
  • Receive feedback on your research
  • Have informal conversations with contributors or attendees
  • Expand your network within the HPC Community

Research Poster Submission

The ISC Research Poster program welcomes poster proposals from scientists in industry and academia, including students, to share their latest research findings.

Project Poster Submission

Submitting a project poster lets you showcase fundamental ideas, methodology, and initial work. Researchers with upcoming or recently funded projects and those with fresh project ideas are encouraged to submit their work.

Women in HPC Poster Submission

The WHPC poster session at ISC spotlights women and underrepresented individuals in early stages of their HPC careers.